31 January 2008


For the past six months, Google has been sending me a daily update on the Czech presidential aspirations of my former professor, the crazy contrarian Jiri Dienstbier. Today's article in the Prague Post, however, is the fullest account thus far of whether he really has a chance as a dark-horse candidate.

Probably the most interesting part of the article are the quotes and commentary by leading Czechs on the right-hand side of the page. And an especially interesting snippet / poll:
  • "In October, Dienstbier took a substantial lead in an informal poll on the presidency, sponsored by Aktualne.cz with 250,000 votes, compared to President Václav Klaus' 199,000 votes."

Go Jiri!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Holy crap. This is awesome.

Go, lazy visiting professor, go!