14 January 2008

Legal miscellany

A legal challenge is being filed by an amputee athlete who isn't allowed to come out for the Olympics because some findings suggest that the Cheetahs he uses (those spring-y things that replace the foot and ankle) may allow him a technological edge.

DRM having fallen for good only a few short weeks ago, the talk turns immediately to what's likely to follow: digital watermarking. With digital watermarking, it seems likely that lawsuits against consumers will increase. Of course, this is what the RIAA, et al., should have done in the first place if they'd wanted to crush things in one fell swoop, but it's less clear how effective the technology will be at this point.

Benefits delivery shifts to the web in order to save companies costs.

MySpace, among others, has just entered into an agreement with 45 states to put greater protections for children against sexual predators into place.

The latest from the Reiser trial, which resumed after the holiday break.

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