24 January 2008

Czechs are crazy

Mijuju vas, muj vazeni blazni Cesi. Doufam, ze budu v Praze jeste jednou nekdy brzy. Cestina nikdy bude moje materstina, ale Cechy vzdycky budou ma prijala vlast.

You remember the furor over those punks with the Adult Swim "bombs" in Boston? That's nothing. A bunch of punks over in the Czech Republic just hacked into the national news and inserted footage of a nuclear bomb going off in the Krkonos mountains (just north of Prague). And you know what? Only foreigners panicked -- the Czechs assumed (correctly) it was bullshit.

Of course, they're still putting them on trial, for "attempted scaremongering." But as no one was scared, it seems likely they'll get off easy. Remember, this is the city that brought you Kafka's (and Havel's, many decades later) "The Trial."

I love my people.

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